There are several local communities for pastors to engage in. It is highly recommended that pastors commune with each other often. Being a pastor is unique calling. It is important to gather together and share with one another.  Pastoring a is a very lonely place. Who better to understand the struggles of a pastor than another pastor. Find a community!

Pastor Communities

  • GCCBA Ministers Conference meets 1st Monday of each month at 11:30am at our office on Wyke Rd. See the schedule for dates.
  • The Kings Mountain Ministers Association meets the 1st Thursday of each month at a restaurant in Kings Mountain for lunch.
  • The Christian Ministers Association meets at the hospital here in Shelby on the 4th Thursday of each month, in the cafeteria at 8:30am. This group is led by Len Byers, the chaplain at the hospital.
  • GCCBA has monthly fellowships in three different areas of Cleveland County.
    • 1st Thursday- Carolina Crossing Restaurant in Grover, 8:30am
    • 3rd Thursday- Bulldog Quick Snack in Boiling Springs, 8:30am

Youth Minister Communities 

  • Kings Mountain Youth Pastors meet on regular basis. For info on those meetings contact Jason Mills at FBC KM, [email protected]