The GCCBA Minister’s Conference exists to build RELATIONSHIPS, COMMUNITY,  ENCOURAGE one another, and INFORM them of ministries and resources that will enhance their ministry. The Conference normally meets the first Monday of each month at 11:30am. Please check the schedule. 

*Due to COVID-19 we have been doing weekly Zoom meetings with pastors on Monday at 9:00am. Contact Wesley for the link. Beginning in August Pastors Conference will be both in person and virtual. A box lunch will be provided for those who meet in person.

July Zoom Meetings

13- Special guests Dr. Hildreath and McKinnon (Evangelism emphasis)

20- Special guest, Dr. Tate Cockrell (Pastor Soul Care) 

27- Special Guest, Dr. Sandy Marks 

August 3, 2020- Alan Wildes from Generis. “Forward Focus”  

September 14, 2020- Minister Dialog 

October 5, 2020- Dr. R. Wayne Stacy “For This Cause: Christians in Crete.” 

November 2, 2020- Minister Dialog 

December 7, 2020- TBA