Pastors Fellowship for Kings Mountain/Grover Area, and Lattimore Area started back in September. The Upper Cleveland Waco Group will begin again in October.
Ministers Conference is continuing with both an in person and online option. Pastors need to RSVP for the in person fellowship and lunch time.
Our annual meeting will not be in person this fall. We will have a Report and Celebration online, Monday, October 26, at 6:30pm. CLICK HERE
Ministers Conference have resumed with both an in person and online option. Septembers conference will be Monday, September 14 at 11:30am for in person fellowship and box lunch, and 12:00pm online.
Pastors Fellowship Groups will resume in September for the Grover/Kings Mountain group and the Lattimore group. The Waco/Upper Cleveland group will wait until October to resume.
On Tuesday, August 25, the GCCBA Business Affairs and Leadership Teams agreed that our Fall Deacon Training will be held virtually. It was also decided that there would not be an in person gathering of the association this fall. The staff and officers will work on some type of celebration to be held online.
At this time, we are planning to have a version of the Greatest Treat Festival but know that our usual festival will not be possible.
Community Assistance Office Changes:
Our Community Assistance office is back to regular schedule with limited clients in the building. Masks are required to enter. CLICK HERE for information on getting assistance.
As of 5/18/20 our office building is operating under what we’re calling Phase 2.
We will begin to allow the public into the office.
No more than 3 people in the lobby downstairs, not to exceed 10 people maximum, including staff and volunteers in the entire level.
Upstairs will keep the number of people in the lobby, in front of the front desk to a maximum of 3 people, not exceeding more than 10 people on the entire level at one time.
Everyone needs to practice social distancing.
Staff should remain six feet from volunteers or clients. If six feet distance is not possible, both should wear a face covering.
Volunteers and staff will work to keep restrooms and office areas cleaned and sanitized.
Clothing donations will begin again on Tuesday, May 26.
Clothing Room volunteers will work to clean and sort clothing to be ready for appointments to begin on Monday, June 1.
No more than one clothing appointment in the clothing room at a time. There should not be more than 3 three people in the clothing room together.
GCCBA will not host any in-person meetings or fellowships during Phase 2, other than office staff meetings and prayer time.
Click Here for more information about Community Assistance.
Bethel Baptist See Church Facebook Page.
Boiling Springs Baptist Church- Check the church website and Facebook.
Eastside Baptist, Shelby– Check church website and Facebook page.
Elizabeth Baptist Church– See church website.
Fallston Baptist– See Church Facebook Page.
First Baptist Shelby – See church website and Facebook page.
Hope Community Church– See website and Facebook for online service times.